Sunday, May 15, 2011

Domesday book

While poking around genealogy sources, one keeps running into reference of the Domesday book.

Ever wonder about the status? Here are a few links that apply.
Here is a sample reference (Palgrava) found in a memorial book.


11/05/2012 -- Domesday book and beyond: Three Essays in the early History of England (,

05/12/2012 -- Finally realized that I had fat-fingered the title. Changed to Domesday. As said elsewhere, to some, being fingered to pay more is 'doomsday' awaiting.

05/25/2011 -- Tidbits of English history.

05/23/2011 -- An interesting tidbit, that will be looked at further, is that William's effort found out that the Church owned a lot of land. Of course, this was the Church of England for whom the Pope, in Rome, took a hands-off approach.

Modified: 11/05/2012

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