Saturday, July 27, 2024

New beginnings

It has been a while as we have juggled duties along many lines of responsibility; so, it's time for a post. Today, on FB, I saw reference to one of the relatives found on Ann's tree. Looking into the matter motivated this post. In particular, we have on our plate to look at the California connections for that part of the family with burials in CA. 

Some things we knew. One uncle was an early developer in Sonoma County CA. Another was into railroads in the Northeast and in Florida. Then, we have early and late CA to consider. 

For starters, though, DTLA has a hilly area that was named Bunker Hill. We added "West" to the name as John had worked at the LA Times (Mirror building) and lived up the hill. Now, that area hosts skyscapers. FB has been a great site for people providing old photos or making new ones. That is a boon of technology. 

We know that banes are there, too. It's on our plate to have a technology focus in cooperation with the blog thatt corresponds to this one. 

Latest post: Three weeks. We had heard of Butterfield and the other express companies but never paid attention. We'll be more observant about transporation as a technology. After all, John is of a railroad family, too. 

But, hasn't "aero" (or space) taken hold of the imagination. Let's get ourselve grounded, again. 

Remarks: Modified: 07/27/2024

07/27/2024 --

Friday, December 30, 2022

2010 until now

This blog started in order in 2010 and deals with a colonial family who was associated with Newbury MA. As well, there is a research group on Facebook and at other genealogical sites. We will continue this work. 

In the meantime, follow the Thomas Gardner of Salem blog which relates to the colonial effort by the Dorchester Company at Cape Ann. Their 400th starts in two days (2023) and continues into 2024.  

Remarks: Modified: 12/30/2022

12/30/2022 --

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Abbot Lawrence Lowell

We are doing a History of Harvard using the Presidents as a focus through time as they map well to American (U.S.) history. 

Abbot is a descendant of Henry Lunt and was President

There will be more this year. 

Remarks: Modified: 01/06/2022

01/06/2022 --

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Arnold's expedition

In our last post, we mentioned two descendants of Henry and Ann Lunt. One was Calvin Coolidge; the other was Thomas W. Markle who is the father Meghan. The few posts in this blog ought not be taken as lack of activity which will pick up this year, for several reasons. 

As an aside, the 400th of Plymouth was muted last year due to COVID's entry on the scene. The planning for the other anniversaries continues quietly. We would like to suggest a little change. If one looks at Massachusetts, starting in the 1620s, towns came into existence continually. This post on the 400ths lists over 70 towns. Notice the image. See Wikipedia for the page on the settlements

As an aside, rather than just look at the 400 roll-over, we are taking a broader view: 400th, 300th, 250th, 200th, and 100th. That is, we are talking four centuries of families. Notice that this blog has a link to the Lunt book (which needs some serious updating). We have found lots of other Lunt work being done and will get to pulling the information together. 

The 250th? That's what SAR/DAR are calling the upcoming event which has been organized from the perspective of the U.S. (link to the 250th project - Lots has been written about the American Revolution. There are plenty websites targeted to the subject. Note that both SAR (newly minted) and DAR have extensive databases about Patriots and their families.  

We are also looking at Loyalists, especially from the perspective that New France and New Spain subsumed much more land than did New England. The 200th? At that time, the border twixt Canada and the U.S. was still fluid. People were moving out west about this time, as well. So, lots to look at. 

But, stepping back. Benedict Arnold led a group from New England up to Quebec in 1775 to stage a surprise attack. Some of the volunteers were from Newbury and Newburyport. We start by looking at one who did a diary - Caleb Haskell. What is interesting is that Caleb was at the  Siege of Boston in the organization of Ezra Lunt (Lunt book, #302). Ezra did not go north with Benedict's group. 

But, the tale is interesting. Too, the Lunt book makes some mention of Ezra's life. There is more on his service in the Mass Sailors & Soldiers book. However, we can fill in the pieces, too. For example, in our other blog, we are looking at The Massachusetts Magazine which published from 1908 to 1918. Each issue included a look at a Regiment that had been at the Siege of Boston. Ezra is mentioned on TMM, Vol IX, 1916, page 33; his brother, Paul, is listed a little later. 

In brief, Arnold's trek had lots of problems. It was winter. He was wounded. So, later events might be seen, somewhat, in a new light. 


We have been posting information since 2010 and are ready to formalize the scope and look. Any recommendations and comments would be welcome. 

Remarks: Modified: 05/13/2021

05/13/2021 --

Monday, March 15, 2021

Further on descendants

We have done a lot of research related to the periods of American History that ought to be more attention especially from the perspective of families. That is, we are 250 years from the start of the turmoil of the American Revolution. We are 400 years from the start of New England in the north. Virginia dates from 1607. We are 200 years from the western expansion that happened after things got settled after the Louisiana Purchase, the trek of Clark & Lewis, and the War of 1812. Then, coming forward, we are 100 years from the new responsibilities of the global stage. 

There are lots of families to look at. We have found dozens through working with friends on their pedigree in the context of organizations in the Hereditary Society Community. These families represent the gamut: New England entry moving early to Virginia (and the Carolinas) then west; Virginia (and Carolinas) entry moving post the Revolution to the west (following Boone, sometimes) - these went north west leaving tracks across the plains to the coast or went south to Texas and points west (of these, some went further - with Oregon a popular destination); New England out west by water (two modes) establishing themselves on the coast; those from New France out west via the northern waters; and many more. Must mention later entry along the mid-coast that were a first wave since one had to go inland to find land. Also, for a period, there was an influx from Europe post the Civil War (early entrants in this group were here in time to support the Revolution. Lots of groups and times. 

George Shultz, who served in the Marines and was a member of the Cabinet for several Presidents, died recently at the age of 100. He was born in 1920. Looking at his life's work, several things popped up. But, taking a further look at one topic led to this short list which will be extended. George has a mixture of new and old families. However, one of his activities was being a Fellow at the Hoover Institute. This is hosted at Stanford University. Herbert Hoover, 31st President, was a descendant of New England, too. As usual, as we look at pedigrees, we look to find a 'cousin' relationship, whether by genes or by in-law-ness. In many cases, this allows us some additional material for research. 

But, what was interesting with respect to Hoover was who he followed; so, the 30th President is our first name. The second name is contemporary and placed as a marker for future research. 

  • Calvin Coolidge - his administration started during the time of the 300th anniversary of the Cape Ann venture about which we have an interest. He is descendant of many New England families (see WikiTree). The one we want to mention is Henry Lunt through his daughter Mary Goodwin. 
  • Thomas Wayne Markle - this mention comes from a blog post by the NEHGS: The Royal Ancestry ... There is a chart with details. Going to WikiTree, we can see information on Rev. William Skipper. There are two things that we want to mention. We have been using WikiTree since they have projects related to Gateways as well as make an effort to source their material. Rev Skipper's profile is handled by the Great Migration Project that is based upon the work at NEHGS by a team lead by R.C. Anderson. 
In both of these trees, we find the profile of Henry Lunt. Work will continue with respect to the information provided and its provenance.  

Remarks: Modified: 03/15/2021

03/15/2021 --

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Henry, again

We have seen lots of references to Henry and his time. We will pay more attention to these. 

So, with the proverbial punt down the road, we'll let the year end. 

Remarks: Modified: 12/29/2020

12/29/2020 --

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Status, again

This theme on one family complements the TGS work; we'll get getting back to this. 

For now, here are pointers to current work is being done:

  • Quora - started here in July of 2015. The decline in posting at blogs is associated with this move which has been very interesting in its effects. Quora covers the bases. There have been several answers on Quora that we did with regard to New England and its continuing influences. 
  • Thomas Gardner Society, Inc. - what is gets more attention is our blog which has been in action during a decade of work in which we are always learning. This focus is on the 400 years of American history including the century plus that preceded the Revolution. 
  • GitHub - where the technical mind can get refreshed. Might have a code focus but is used, too, for managing complex data systems.  
  • Others - 

 Remarks: Modified: 10/27/2020

10/27/2020 --